Cursive numbers are made at a slant and are slightly different than when they are printed. Learning and practicing cursive numbers will round out your child’s attractive and legible cursive handwriting style.
By following the same pattern each time your child forms a number, they create a motor memory that strengthens the ability to form the number automatically. This frees up their brain to focus more on the content of what they are working on.
Learning to write the number words is fundamental for math and spelling. This is an important skill that allows children to express numbers in different ways depending on what work they are doing.
Continue to demonstrate number formations and monitor your child’s progress. As your child practices, they will begin to feel more comfortable writing numbers.
- Roll dice then write the number and number word.
- Write numbers in chalk on the sidewalk to play hopscotch.
- Encourage your child to trace numbers in the world around them.
- Click here for more free, downloadable number activities.
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