Now that your child knows how to write lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers in cursive they can put it all together into words and sentences. The following “About Me” pages, jokes, mad libs, and affirmations will provide your child with hours of entertaining cursive handwriting practice.
First, use cursive to legibly fill in the blanks on each page to demonstrate how to write your child’s responses. Next, have your child trace the completed sentences using cursive handwriting.
These exercises are perfect for helping children practice writing full sentences in cursive. Your child will have fun telling jokes and playing games while improving their cursive writing fluency! This is also the perfect time to practice writing their name and learning their address.
- Write in permanent marker then spray lightly with rubbing alcohol.
- Turn off the lights and “write” letters on the wall with a flashlight.
- Encourage your child to write their own jokes in cursive.
- Cllick here for more free, downloadble word & sentence worksheets.
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