Once your child has practiced lowercase letters “a” through “z” and is confident with the formation of lowercase letters, the next step is to learn the uppercase letters.
Uppercase letters are taught after lowercase letters because of their infrequent use and unfamiliar formations. However, children usually learn uppercase letters very quickly with this simple letter style and teaching order.
As your child is learning the uppercase letters they will practice connecting the letters together to form longer words. Writing proper nouns will help your child practice uppercase letter formation, lowercase letter formation, and connecting them all together into words.
Continue to demonstrate the formation of each uppercase letter and monitor your child’s progress. They can practice in the same ways they practiced lowercase letters.
- Write the letters BIG on a whiteboard or piece of paper.
- Draw the letters in the air with your finger, copying the strokes.
- Finger trace the letters before using a pencil to write them.
- Click here for more free, downloadable uppercase letter worksheets.
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